Saturday, September 8, 2012

Persia Black

written by Persia Black for ( blogs.  Check out the Website!!!

Ahem.....allow me to re-introduce myself.....

Behind this Aries female is just a regular bad ass that goes against the grain.  I like to call myself Persia Black, my alter ego if you will. (( *PERSIA= an acronym for Political, Economic, Religious, Social, Intellectual, and Artistic **BLACK= describes what I am and the beauty I posses)) I finally have the opportunity to put my thoughts out there on just what I randomly rant about. I'm always talking about Love, LifeSex, Marriage, KidsReligionWork, SportsSchoolFashion, Music or anything that I personally can relate to.  I'm like the voice that says do it, when you think it could go wrong. And I'm the voice that will say what others may only think or wish they could say. I'm blunt, open-minded and got a lot to talk about so listen up!

I am introduced to so many things on a day to day basis whether I agree, disagree or just happen too overhear conversations that intrigue me (not being nosy)   I mean, technically we all are entitled to our own opinions, which is what I am here to do in this blog....EXPRESS MY OPINION and maybe just maybe add in a few other opinions if I can get some interviews going.  Hey why not, it's all fun and games and for shits and giggles...everyone should have a good debate going from time to time.  I'm not one to prove people wrong, I speak MY TRUTH and what I know, if it's something that requires a bit more research believe me...I'm on it.

This Blog is merely just a way for me again, to get my thoughts out there...I mean I LOVE getting good and bad responses so comments are welcome.

DISCLAIMER:  I curse,get angry, overly happy, goofy, into something one minute and change my mind the next...oh and even horny. Hey I'm an ARIES so ..KEEP UP WITH ME IF YOU CAN....Persian Thoughts is just the start of some freshness in this disgruntled ass world.

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