One of the most sexiest couples of all time hands down in my opinion- Mr. Will & Jada Pinkett-Smith!! Let's face it, back when "Summertime" was a hit and "Inkwell" had summer love sizzling we were sure to see this couple gaining more publicity then ever imagined.
To take you through the most controversial marriage in our Black American community, I'm not going to sit and stroke the ego of those that feel this is the worst act of all man kind, however I will surely mention that they are no rookies when it comes to love. Jada Pinkett-Smith played plenty of roles in the TV and Movie industry but the main role that stands clear is that of a Mother as well as a wife to the handsome Will Smith star of the TV show Fresh Prince of Bel Air and numerous movies to follow. He also produced as well as created plenty of music set back in the archives.
They are very family oriented which proves everyday with the accomplishments of the sister/brother duo in their roles as well as musical talents that are possessed.
Now back to what keeps this marriage juicy and hot, Jada was questioned what it is that makes of a successful marriage:

Source: YourTango. "Jada Pinkett Smith on Love and Marriage."
This is so true and I can relate to this statement. It also comes from building from a foundation of nothing and turning it into EVERYTHING.
Will then answers on open marriage:
"Our perspective is, you don't avoid what's natural. You're going to be attracted to people. In our marriage vows, we didn't say 'forsaking all others.' The vow that we made was that you will never hear that I did something after the fact. If it came down to it, then one spouse can say to the other, 'Look, I need to have sex with somebody. I'm not going to if you don't approve of it - but please approve of it.'"
Source: Richard Simpson. "Will: Ask your wife before you cheat on her." 2/08/2005.
& Jada: We always have people that we’re attracted to that we talk about. That don’t stop just because your married. Somebody’s always gonna catch your eye. That’s real. Somebody’s gonna always be prettier than me, somebody’s always gonna be more in awe of him than me, and he gonna be like (in Will’s voice) ‘yo she really like me’ (laughter) but as far as somebody being right for us… is there somebody right for a nice night? Maybe. But somebody that can sustain our life and sustain what we’ve built together, absolutely not!”
That's as real as it gets, and coming from such a sexy individual as Jada, my Persia's opinion it's true. We may not all agree or like it, but when in a relationship, we can't just ASSUME that who we are with won't have some kind of feelings about someone they may have came across just by walking across the street. Will said it, it's natural. So the only question still lingering is who is willing to take that step and,,,,,,
open Pandora's box? We can't knock what may work for others, and I too say be open with as much as you can to keep things spontaneous. It may not be the main answer as to how to keep your man/woman but it sure can keep you wanting more.
DISCLAIMER to everyone that may have a mind so closed they can't see past what may actually work for them, remember, people won't know what you do not tell. So, if having sex or getting intimate with someone other than your mate or including them in your swinging life is in your bag...go for it!! It's your bedroom, not theirs. I'm not going to sugar coat a thing, I mean, who are we to judge what you are doing or not....because 9/10 those that disagree are wishing they were in your same shoes.
"Our perspective is, you don't avoid what's natural. You're going to be attracted to people. In our marriage vows, we didn't say 'forsaking all others.' The vow that we made was that you will never hear that I did something after the fact. If it came down to it, then one spouse can say to the other, 'Look, I need to have sex with somebody. I'm not going to if you don't approve of it - but please approve of it.'"
Source: Richard Simpson. "Will: Ask your wife before you cheat on her." 2/08/2005.
& Jada: We always have people that we’re attracted to that we talk about. That don’t stop just because your married. Somebody’s always gonna catch your eye. That’s real. Somebody’s gonna always be prettier than me, somebody’s always gonna be more in awe of him than me, and he gonna be like (in Will’s voice) ‘yo she really like me’ (laughter) but as far as somebody being right for us… is there somebody right for a nice night? Maybe. But somebody that can sustain our life and sustain what we’ve built together, absolutely not!”
That's as real as it gets, and coming from such a sexy individual as Jada, my Persia's opinion it's true. We may not all agree or like it, but when in a relationship, we can't just ASSUME that who we are with won't have some kind of feelings about someone they may have came across just by walking across the street. Will said it, it's natural. So the only question still lingering is who is willing to take that step and,,,,,,

Whatever it is, this highly sex driven couple makes it work for them and has what it takes to make love last. Again, many do not agree while others want in on what could be the next hottest trend.
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