Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Convenience of a Bad Habit

Many times I fight with myself over things that I know I could change in a day as opposed to in a lifetime.  My reasoning for this strictly is because bad habits make it so much more convenient to be comfortable with a certain lifestyle but later find it even harder to overcome.

Example, if you go searching for something you are bound to find it....So very true.  But if you are looking to find something knowing it will make you more upset than that means STOP correct??!!?! Eh, yeah but when you have a habit of constantly looking for things whether to find truth, confirmation, anything...your mind is set for digging in deeper.
cell phones and privacy...how far do you go?

a lil white light won't harm anyone

Say you have a friend, who is ALWAYS lying like it never fails.... they have developed a bad habit and it's sad because after awhile their mind tricks them into believing that it's the RIGHT thing to do and hey some truth may come from that lie (so they think).  Don't get it twisted I'm no liar, and that's not the case here...just pointing out some examples.

My Bad Habit had me all fucked up plenty of times...and I'm always asked well why do I do it?  I think it's part of me wanting to be RIGHT about something and to prove it as well.  This is the battle I am having...because that type of power I know i can live without...I shouldn't care about proving anything to anyone...because once I know the truth it's then the question of "What you gonna do?"

I'm really working on channeling my BAD Habits to a more GOOD one.  I want to know that if I'm being repetitive in something that it will be beneficial and not painful to my well being.  This and fear are 2 of my biggest battles that I have everyday with myself.  But I'm making a habit to look at things in a different light.

But it feels soooo good lol

Change is not always a bad thing and I'm usually receptive of it because I plan on having lots of Good Habits in my near future...

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