I share a rather awkward relationship with my father. When I was a lil girl....he's all I can remember wanting to be around and be held by. He was my knight in shining armor and I wouldn't have it any other way. Even if he was wrong for something, I'd stand by his side and fight for him because he was my daddy. Never did we let a day go by without speaking to one another. Time has seemed to pass us by and I grew a bit older and wiser. I can say I learned a lot from him but only for what NOT to do. I learned that the way I HAD and deserved to be treated may have came off as the opposite of what I should have been treated and was old enough to understand. We don't speak on a regular as much as we used to. We have had many battles and somehow always seem to come back to saying I love you usually when we speak about music (one of the reasons why I'm a die hard Michael Jackson fan) This let's me know things will be ok. I'm very bull headed as he is to when it comes to us...I mean we're BOTH ARIES...so it's to be expected. I understand we will not agree majority of the time...but I will never deny when he was present in my life at the times I may have needed him most but was to young to realize it.
I will say, I was a bit hurt because I never got to share the father/daughter dance at my wedding with my father. It was an issue with our planner etc etc....but if I could just get that moment back...I'd dance until my feet fell off. I may never know when the last time I will see him will be....but as a DAUGHTER I'm working on making everyday worth saying Hello, and I love you regardless of the time and distance between us.
With that being said....The woman I am today is from the men that have been in my life. Whether it was my Father, Brother, Uncle, Grandfather or a male cousin, I learned that a man is very important in a WOMAN's Life especially as a child. There's no denying that and Here's why:

2. INDEPENDENT TO THE WORLD: It's not a bad thing to be independent, in fact it's encouraged in many ways. But what happens to the woman that is raised by WOMEN including friends and is content with not needing a man? A man creates some form of stability. Not saying go out and allow yourself to fall at every mans' feet but this goes back to ALLOWING THE MAN BE THE MAN. It's perfectly fine to have your own, but as I've seen in many of my family members lives, again a Father from the jump sets the tone. Whether he's a good one or not.

I can always go on and on about how a FATHER can do so much for his child's life especially his daughter. A mother gives support and genuine affection but a FATHER gives Hope to become even better than the expectations of anybody else...to achieve goals worth achieving and to allow a man that is worthy of HER time to love her the way she deserves.
This is me signing out....but before I go.... to all the Single Ladies playing the father role...remember you CAN'T make him a father, only GOD and his CHILD can do that..continue to hold it down but never deny him of his child. If he wants to be there he will be there...most men weren't raised to become fathers in their future. xoxoxo
And please excuse my errors...i'm quite tired and going to bed now lol